All camping is "festival-style." There will be a very limited amount of car camping available. Camping is first-come, first-served. However, we do plan to allow guests to drop their gear as close to their camping area as possible before parking their vehicle in the parking areas. Note -- this may not be possible during peak arrival times on Friday. All guests should be prepared to carry their gear to their campsites. Wagons and carts are a good option for transporting gear. We will also have staff available for those who need special assistance.
FRONT + Center
This tent camping area is the closest camping area to our stage area. In fact, it’s in the same field. The perfect spot if you want to avoid as much walking back and forth as possible during the event.
*photo of the Duck Creek Log Jam
In the Middle
This tent camping area provides some opportunities to spread out while being relatively close to your car. This space is also a short walk from the stage area.
*photo of the Duck Creek Log Jam
The Way Back
This tent camping area is located at the very top of the property. This area requires a little longer walk to the stage area, but boasts the best views of the fall colors along the Hocking River valley.
*photo of the Duck Creek Log Jam
Nooks + Crannies
There are several flat areas that make the perfect spot to set up camp. These spots would be great for a large group of friends or a family looking to get away a bit. Ask our staff to point you to these places.
*photo of the Duck Creek Log Jam
RV Camping
All RV camping is located up on The Plateau.
Large and Small RV spots are available on a limited basis.
Purchasing an RV Pass will guarantee you a place to park for the weekend, but spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis upon arrival. Your RV, camper, awning, tow vehicle, spare vehicle, etc. must fit completely within your designated spot.
NO hookups available.
Please respect your neighbors. Quiet generators permitted between 9AM-10PM.
Community Campfires
We plan to have a couple campfires to keep you warm. No individual campfires allowed.