All parking is first come first served.
There will be a $20 per vehicle parking fee. Parking can be paid for upon arrival (cash only) or purchased online in advance. If you purchase an RV pass, you do NOT need to pay for additional parking. Please carpool! Carpooling will help us keep traffic and the amount of parked cars to a minimum while giving mother nature and your transportation budget a break.
You’ve heard by now that, in order to make your Log Jam experience even better, we’ve made some big changes for Duck Creek 2020. By relocating our Main Stage Area and removing car and RV parking from the Party Down Zone, we will be able to better utilize the Pine Grove and Cabin Porch Stage, eliminate the long walk to the Main Stage, and provide our guests with an enhanced taste of what makes the Hocking Hills region so special.
With that, we recognize that getting you and your gear to the Party Down Zone with as little hassle possible must come as a priority. Yes, it will take a lot of extra effort on our part, and a little extra patience on your part, but you gotta trust us on this one… IT WILL MAKE FOR A BETTER WEEKEND!
Here is how it will work.
All campers who wish to be in the heart of all the action (AKA the PARTY DOWN ZONE) will park across the street from the main entrance in the EVERGREEN ACRES PARKING AREA.
We will then get you checked in. Slap your wristbands on you. And get you pointed in the direction of the SHUTTLES to the Party Down Area.
Once you and your gear are loaded, you will take the short ride to the SHUTTLE DROP OFF located just past the entrance to the Pine Grove.
Once there, you can head out to find your basecamp for what we promise will be an adventure of a lifetime.
We will post more info about the shuttles, etc. (including tips on packing, etc) closer to the event.
Once the party is over… we will hit rewind and the shuttles will take ya right back where ya came from.